Operating systems must protect processes and users from each other. Networks have many users, all connected to servers. Connections mean that unauthorised users might gain access to private files which is why these must be secured.8172016_92004_1.png
Untangle Firewalls
     -Used to restrict outgoing and incoming access to certain network      addresses.
     -Guards against data loss or theft
     -Restrict which external networks can connect to the company resources
      -Restrict outgoing traffic and to detect unauthorised communications

Network Security
      -ensures centrol control ensuring that an organisation has a standard security policy about who is allowed to do what. With all the employees connected to a network, it becomes easier to fine tune the resources they can access and if any security breaches do occur, it becomes much easier to track down the problem if all activity in handles centrally in a network.
     -Flamble ensures that users follow company policies which might include not installing software from unknown sources, using strong passwords, changing passwords often and even more protectionist policies if the company has wireless networking facilities.

Sophos Virus Encryption
    -Prevent data loss: Flamble provides the Sophos Virus Encryption which protects your data against theft, hacking malware and accidental data loss.
    -Automatically encrypts your content and the content stays encrypted even when shared or uploaded to a cloud based, file sharing system.
    -Encrypting, decrypting and accessing information is automatic and transparent to the end user so keeping data safe won't keep the employees from their regular work practices.
    -Can easily create passwords for files you wish to share externally